Anders Logg

Professor of Computational Mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology

Some good news from the publisher

The new FEniCS Tutorial co-written with my friend Hans Petter Langtangen is reported to be one of the most downloaded books in the mathematics and computer science categories. Less than a year after publication it already has 10K downloads.

The FEniCS Tutorial book.

Downloads of the FEniCS Tutorial in 2017.










This is already better than the number of downloads for the FEniCS book. But I guess it helps that the FEniCS Tutorial is Open Access, thanks to the generous support by Simula Research Laboratory. Be sure to check out the other books in the series!

The manuscript was prepared using Hans Petter’s Doconce system. On the upside, this generates output in LaTeX, HTML, Sphinx, PDF, etc from a single source and supports a ton of nifty features like inlining excerpts from Python code examples, cross-referencing and more. On the downside, I could not get Doconce to install properly on my MacBook so book writing had to be done through a Docker image. See below for an example of typesetting one of the pages dealing with the Navier-Stokes equations.

Typesetting in Doconce.

The full source of the book, which is itself licensed under a Creative Commons license, can be found here.

Currently a Chinese translation of the book is being prepared so watch out…

Editing the Chinese FEniCS Tutorial.


The FEniCS Tutorial in Chinese.

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