Anders Logg

Professor of Computational Mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology


Anders Logg is Professor of Computational Mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology. His research interests are adaptive finite element methods, high-level automating software systems for solution of PDE, domain-specific languages and compilers in scientific computing, augmented and virtual reality, and applications in biomedicine, general relativity, architecture, and geoinformation; in particular the combination of modeling, simulation and visualization to create Digital Twins of physical systems.

Logg is Director of the Digital Twin Cities Centre at Chalmers, a Vinnova Competence Centre devoted to the study and development of the Digital Twin concept for city modeling and simulation.

Logg is co-founder and initial developer of the FEniCS Project, a leading open-source software for automated solution of PDE. He works part-time as scientific advisor to Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre.

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